Embryo Vitrification in Kakinada
Vitrification: A CuttingEdge Technique for Embryo Freezing
Vitrification is an advanced technology employed in the preservation of embryos and eggs, enabling their storage for future use.
Embryo Vitrification in Kakinada: Advancing Fertility Preservation
In laboratory cell freezing, the primary objective is to prevent the formation of ice crystals as the cell's fluid cools below freezing. Ice crystals present two critical threats to cells. Firstly, their razorsharp nature can rupture cell membranes, leading to cell demise. Secondly, the expansion of water into ice within cells can cause volume expansion, ultimately rupturing and killing the cells. Consequently, techniques must be devised to freeze cells while evading ice crystal formation. Cryobiology, the scientific discipline behind this challenge, has developed two methods suitable for human embryos: slow freezing and vitrification.
Meet Our Doctor
IVF, or In Fertilisation , is a widely recognized form of Assisted Reproductive Technology that offers hopeful parents the opportunity to conceive a child through assisted means.
IVF, or In Fertilisation , is a widely recognized form of Assisted Reproductive Technology that offers hopeful parents the opportunity to conceive a child through assisted means.